Monday, March 26, 2007

What is Your Life About?

For so many of us life is about getting by, making it through the day, surviving. It is like we are on a treadmill. We are putting in the effort, doing the work, trying our best but we never seem to get anywhere. Even when we see progress it is short lived. It is a momentary high we experience only to be jolted back to our reality. This one beam of sunshine is overshadowed by all our other problems and struggles.

This is the plight of your life at the present. But there is the future. And before you know it the future becomes the present. What if you could intervene in your future and create a new present? What if this new present was not drudgery and getitng by? What if this new present was one of getting what you wanted?

There is a way for this to happen to you. It won't be instantaneous. Sorry to be the bearer of that piece of information. I am not going to be disingenuous with you. When I look back at my accomplishments I had to work and struggle for them. Kind of like what you are doing right now except you don't get the rewards for what you are doing.

So why not do something that will give you the rewards? If you skeptical then keep doing what you are doing but.... add something to that. Do what you are doing plus something else.

Start a new project that will alter your future. Devise a plan and allocate time to this project.

Over time I will share with you some ideas and products that will put you on the path to altering your future. For now I just want this to soak in and let you get into a new mind set. I want you to invision getting off the treamill. I want you to envision putting some joy back into your life. I want you to envision getting the rewards you deserve.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

PS If you are in a hurry then check out some of my past posts.


Jeremy Jacobs said...

Onwards and upwards!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to hearing more.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach said...

jeremy you are certainly an optimist. can i bottle your enthusiam???