Friday, April 27, 2007

Confidentially Speaking

CONFIDENCE. That is a big word with an even bigger meaning. It has 3 syllables. CON FI DENCE.

So what does it mean? So what is it? We all want it. We all admire it. We all lack it at times. We all get annoyed at people with too much of it. We all feel better when we have it.

Confidence is personal. Confidence is not permanent. Confidence is not tangible. Confidence is a matter of opinion.

People I think have Confidence

someone that has a deep spiritual belief

someone that gets things done

someone that can step outside of themselves

someone that can admit they made a mistake

someone that takes responsibility for their behavior

someone that i can learn from

someone that does not complain

someone that can overcome disappointments

someone i want to be around

someone that can support me at times

someone that does not brag

someone that tells the truth

someone that can inspire me

someone that is authentic

someone that is real

someone with a sense of humor

There are probably more "someone with" but for the time being I think this is enough to get you thinking. Is there someone I know that is like this 24/7. No, of course not. Is there someone like this that strives to be like this? Yes. Is there someone that is more like this than less like this? Yes.

When I am around people that are confident I feel good. I feel good being around them because I know that they make every attempt to choose the words that come out of their mouths. They choose wisely because they know that what they say is a reflection of them, not the other person they are speaking of or with.

Once you realize that how you behave and what you say is solely a reflection of you and only you then you can start to develop confidence or find the confidence you already have.

Confidence needs to be cultivated. Confidence can be learned. Confidence can be developed. Browse here to find some help.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach


Public Speaking said...

I would also add someone who can admit they dont have all the answers and doesnt know something. Very refreshing as opposed to the person who tries to bluff their way through an answer.

Techniques said...

Much better if you dont bluff.