TGIF. (Thank God it is Friday).!!!!
Is this one of your slogans? Do you live for Fridays? I know the work week is hectic. I know you have stuff to do. I know you are stretched for time. I know you are sharing your time with loved ones. I know that the expression, "So much to do. So little time." is in your head.
I also know that TGIF does not mean that now you can slack off. I know that TGIF does not mean you will have a long, lazy, relaxing week end. I know that TGIF probably means you can get a little, teeny, tiny breather. I know that TGIF means you have some time to tackle what you could not do during the week.
I know TGIF means you can spend some time with your family. But it may be not the "quality" time you are desiring. It will be the "doing good things for your family" time. It will be doing
important and responsible things for your family such as shopping, cleaning, watching and chauffeuring your children to activities. It may be the same duties to help out a parent, sibling or neighbor. It is clearly "doing good time" but the enjoyment comes from getting the deed done rather than in doing the deed.
Things you want to pursue for yourself are probably put off. They are in the back of your mind but your week end is scheduled. Is there a way to find time for yourself?
YES there is but you have to make the time. I know you don't have the time. You have so much to do. Your week end is already jam packed.
Here comes the finale. If you never make the time or find a way to make the time with outside help YOU ARE STUCK. This is what each TGIF will be like of you.
I am asking you to choose right now. Do you want help? Make the choice right now to get help. Make the decision right now.
I am offering you a place where you can visit 24/7. A place where there is information and products for you to help yourself. Make the decision and make the time. Learn how to create the time you want in your life.
Marcia, Your Confidence Coach
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