Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday Must Have

It is Monday again. Fresh start, new week.

Are you willing to make a fresh start or are you dragging your feet? Did you have a week end where you got things done but it is never enough? There is so much more left to do.
If you examine this you will find out that you are probably expecting to do too much. Some things are probably not that important. Some things could be done easier and more efficiently. Some things could be delegated. Some things could be outsourced.
Of course that is up to you to take a look from a fresh perspective. If you are refusing to look from a fresh perspective you are probably one of those type of people that think you must do everything by yourself. Only you can and know how to do everything.
You think everything is important. You have not found efficiency. You refuse to delegate because it is not done "your way" or to your standards. Outsourcing is costly and you do not trust that anyway.
So here you are a person on the verge. Tired, stressed out, over worked, over loaded. Monday is not your fresh start. It is more drudgery.
Is this the life you want to lead?
I have one suggestion.
If you are an online marketer then this product will save you time. It will help with your efficiency. It is not expensive. It is an investment in you having a better life. It is an investment in getting rid of stress. It is an investment in cutting down work overload.
Since you are one of those obstinate people I am ordering you to purchase it. If I don't order you I know you will make up excuses not to get it. I use the word"make up" because that is what you do when you get the chance to ease your life. You make up excuses why you are the only one that must and can do everything yourself.
Yet you know this is not true. You can not do everything yourself. Look at how you feel today. Look at your backlog of things you did not do. Will you ever get them done? No!
Break the mold. Drop it. Stop it.
Get this product and put some ease into your life. Get off the "only I can do everything" merry go round. Make Monday a fresh start. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy your life.
Marcia, Your Confidence Coach

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.