Wednesday, May 2, 2007


HAPPINESS. I looked for some pics that showed happiness. Most were of children. They look happy.

Happy Baby

Happy Toddler

Where are all the happy adults? Couldn't find many. Yet they are on TV in sit coms, commercials. They get paid to act and appear happy. While they are getting paid to look and act happy do you think they feel happy?

I think they actually do feel happy. So how about if you pay yourself to feel happy? Hear me out. I know this sounds unconventional, okay nuts.

Here is how it could go. You are now feeling happy. Reward (pay) yourself. You can praise yourself. You can put some money in a jar. You can pamper yourself. You see you can reward yourself. Now your mind is running thinking about what kind of kind acts you can do for yourself. See this is not so nuts anymore.

Here is the flip side. You do not feel happy. You are going to act and appear happy. I know you think you can't do it the way you feel. But you can, just like the TV people.

Use the same rewards and incentives you used when you felt happy. It will work. Give it a little time. Giggle while you do it. Giggling can start the happiness feeling. Laughing can also so laugh at the idea.

I know you are still shaking your head. I am okay with that. You don't come here for the usual, same old same old. You come here for the new, unusual, fresh, intersting, unconventional approaches.

Start to look and feel like this.


Marcia, Your Confidence Coach


txdave said...

hi marcia

thnks for visiting my blog

yours is quite good, and I like the happy stories, both sides

doubtless you know abt the concept of "act as if", tht can make a big difference to people, get them to accomplish just wht you're talking abt

I think I cove tht in my

browniesforbreakfast blog, and another one you might like

again, many thnks


Health Watch Center said...

Hello Marcia,

Thank you for stopping by and comment...

Happiness is something, which does not come easy to all of us. It is something that we may have to work on. We have to find a way to learn to be happy irrespective of anything that happens in our life.

It is something that we can do and do well. We does not need to bother about what others think, since this is our life and as far as it is known, we only get once chance in life and we need to make it great.

Self Help Zone

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach said...

thank you for your comments. wouldn't it be great if we all shared how to move towards happiness.
i have a friend that does "act as if" and works for her.
it is wonderful that you are here to share your wisdom and insights so we can make our lives better.

Marcia, Your Confidence Coach said...

health watch center,
thank you for your insights. happiness is a big topic.
the idea to choose happiness despite circumstances is huge.
so many times our corcumstances dictate our feelings. yet we have the ability to separate our circumstances and our feelings. we just have to learn how.