Thursday, February 15, 2007


I did a Google search on the word money. Today there were 682,000,000 searches. Must be an important topic.

Most people want money. Most people will tell you they want a lot of money. Most people will tell you they want a lot of money but do not actually believe they will earn a lot of money.

What are your thoughts on money? Are you concerned with actual dollars? Do you want to have a million dollars? Or are you concerned with what money can do for you? An example of what money can do for you is to buy you a house, maybe a BIG house. Or a fancy car. Perhaps money can help you feel secure. Feel less worrisome about paying your bills. Perhaps money has to do with power. With money you will be respected. With money you can hang with the "it" people. Perhaps money appeals to your dreams. The dreams you have of traveling, lounging, hiring people to do the things you do not like to do such as cleaning your house. Perhaps you want money to help others. Once you start to think about it the list could become endless.

So now your mind is racing. Then that ugly thought pops up. I don't have the money to do these things. I probably will not get the money to do these things. What is that about? It is about reality. It is about how you feel right this minute. You want money. You have dreams for money. You do not have the money.

So how do you get the money? If you think I have a secret to get rich quick you are mistaken. I do have a tool to start you on the way to obtaining money.

The quickest and easiest way to get money is to start your own business. Let me put a disclaimer in here. It is not quick and it is not easy. However, if you look at all the ways to get money this one is available to anyone.

Don't quit your day job. Just start thinking what type of business you can start. Think about your interests. Do some research on how you can turn what you like to do into a business. Brain storm with your friends. Find a partner. Perhaps there are things you do for free for people that you could start charging for. Perhaps there is a second job you could temporarily take to get some start up capital. Perhaps there is an investment you could make that could give you a quick turnaround to get some start up capital.

Put on your thinking cap and see what comes up. Maybe you will find out that this is not what you really want to do. Or maybe you will come up with a plan. Maybe you will see that this is within your grasp. You never will know until you think about this in a serious way.

So get thinking and see the power of you brain.

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Marcia, Your Confidence Coach


Anonymous said...

Nice post Marcia.

Like everyone else I have money concerns. A great blog I stumbled upon was

His whole premise is that a lot of people are concerned with offence (making money) while so many are neglecting defence (saving money). He offers a simple strategy for getting used to saving and investing.


Marcia, Your Confidence Coach said...

thanks for the comment. i have been begging for feedback.
i checked out the site. very interesting. seems like a balanced approach to me.